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Heungkong Holding (HKHC) Successfully Issues Shares Has Raised Fund of 2.45BiliionYuan

DATE:2016.01.01 SOURCE:

In January, 2015, HKHC fmally started reconstruction the collection of suppting fund schemes. Through undergoing hardship after cooperation with listed companies the various departments of Heung Group, on September 18, 2015, HKHC obtained fmal approval of CSRC. HeungKong Holding purchased 100% of stock rights of Heung Commerce 100% of stock rights of Shenzhen Headquarters that had been held by Shenzhen KINHOME by the ways of issuing shares paying cash, with 2.45 billion Yuan of suppting fund raised. On October 8, HKHC went through the fmalities of injected asset stock right transfer, thus, Heung Commerce Shenzhen Headquarters fmally became the subsidiaries of HKHC, with the increase in capital stock by about 0.4 billion shares. On December 18, 2015, the collection of suppting fund was completed smoothly, 2.45 billion Yuan of capital was raised by successfully issuing shares, with the increase in capital stock by about 0.4 billion shares. After the reconstruction collection of suppting funds, HKHCs shares rose from 0.8 billion to 1.6 billion, the net asset doubled.